5 Yogasanas are Also Good for Depression - Yoga Exercises at Home - Pemudaa Fashion


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5 Yogasanas are Also Good for Depression - Yoga Exercises at Home


Almost most of the people today are under a lot of stress from home and outside. When there is excess pressure on the mind, it is bound to affect the body. Today, most of the people are under a lot of stress at home and outside. Excessive pressure on the mind is bound to affect the body. So keep your mind healthy, your body will be healthy. And the most effective way to keep the mind healthy is yoga.

Know these four asanas, which will relieve depression.


This yoga pose increases blood circulation in the body. Cools the brain. It also increases blood circulation in the brain. This asana reduces stress on the mind.

Setu Bandhasana:

Blood supply to the spine increases if you practice Sethu Bandhasana regularly. This asana helps to increase the power of concentration.

Salamba Sirsasana:

Regular practice of this asana increases blood circulation in the brain. As a result, concentration increases and body fatigue decreases.


Shavasana is the seat of relaxation. Although this asana looks easy at first glance, it is quite difficult to do it correctly. Practicing shavasana regularly in the right way has thousands of benefits. This asana helps to reduce stress from the mind.


Everyone should practice pranayam regularly. As a result, the heart rate is regulated. Mindfulness increases. The distracted mind calms down.

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