What are the different types of luxury fashion? - Pemudaa Fashion


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What are the different types of luxury fashion?

What is luxury fashion?

Luxury brands are high quality, non-essential and expensive products and services that appear to be rare, exclusive and authentic, and offer high levels of symbolic and hedonic values through the customer experiences.

Luxury Brand Categories:

1. Supreme Luxury Fashion

Supreme has established itself thanks to a marketing strategy inspired by the luxury sector.

The hooded sweatshirt and its famous embroidered logo on May 16. The Supreme brand is most emblematic accessories were offered at an auction in Paris.

2. Premium Fashion

A premium brand is an individual, product, company,  and service basically perceived to have exceptional value in the target market is mind. In premium brands have the IT Factor. Premium brands offer a combination of supreme quality, purpose, and exceptional experience.

3. Accessible-Luxury Fashion

The accessible luxury feels counterintuitive, almost an oxymoron at that. Created as a marketing tactic meant to speak to a consumer is innate desire to have the very things they cannot access or afford, many brands have capitalized on the affordable luxury schtick.

4. Aspirational Luxury Fashion

An aspirational brand is a term in consumer marketing for a brand or product which a large segment of its exposure audience wishes to own, but for economic reasons cannot. Because the desire for aspirational goods is relative to the consumer is purchasing power, an aspirational brand may be a luxury good if the person desires it, or not if a consumer has less spending money.

5. Mass-Market fashion

Mass market is defined as a market coverage strategy in which a firm decides to ignore market segment differences and appeal to the whole market with one offer or one strategy. The mechanism focuses on the fashion innovators found within every social economic group and the influences in response to the couture enthusiasts that innovate as part of their stylish aspect.

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